Building strong relationships for . . . Educators . . . . . .Students . . . and Employers

Georgia Work-Based Learning

Is a work-based learning program right for your business?

The Georgia Work-Based Learning Program assists businesses with building a highly trained, technologically sophisticated and career oriented young work force. Our goal is to assist in the creation of a strong support structure between local employers, students and schools. Work-Based Learning supplies talent to address industry workforce shortage needs. We promote an industry-driven system where employers set occupational skills standards, collaborate on curriculum, provide work experience and certify mastery of skills. Focus on the future with Georgia Work-Based Learning.


WBL & YAP Coordinators


2023-2024 Students Served


Participating Employers


2023-2024 Wages Earned by WBL Students


Participating Schools

* Data Source: 2023-2024 Work-Based Learning C-NET

Employers benefit from Work-Based Learning Programs

Our local Work Based Learning program provides sharp, professional students who are talented and eager to learn. We use WBL participants as part of our intern program and enjoy how readily they integrate with our team. It is wonderful to have this resource in our community for creating career paths that benefit small businesses with a work-ready work force to recruit locally from.

Tamara Siragusa E-Marketing Director, Cogentes

Student Success Stories: Jonathan Frazier and Black Crow Media

Black Crow Media, the preeminent media and communications power in the South, partnered early in the school year with the Lowndes High School Work-based Learning program. They hired Jonathan Frazier as their in-house graphic designer.  Jonathan designs everything from web-based ads and large-format banners to coupons and business cards. This placement is perfect for Jonathan, who completed both the Graphic Communications and Graphic Design pathways at Lowndes High School.  Jay Mathews, played an integral role in helping facilitate this partnership, which will serve the students from the Lowndes High School Graphic Communication and Graphic Design Pathways for years to come. Mr. Mathews’ vision and willingness to look for creative employment opportunities have given Jonathan a platform to display his talent and skill set, both of which were harnessed and refined by Mrs. Marilu Cantrell, the Graphics teacher at Lowndes High School.  This placement has and will continue to serve Jonathan in his growth and development toward his career goal of becoming a Graphic Designer.

More Student Success Stories

Join the over eleven thousand employers in Georgia investing in the Work-Based Learning Program today.

Learn how WBL can work for your business.