The Georgia Work-Based Learning Program assists businesses with building a highly trained, technologically sophisticated and career oriented young work force. Our goal is to assist in the creation of a strong support structure between local employers, students and schools. Work-Based Learning supplies talent to address industry workforce shortage needs. We promote an industry-driven system where employers set occupational skills standards, collaborate on curriculum, provide work experience and certify mastery of skills. Focus on the future with Georgia Work-Based Learning.
WBL & YAP Coordinators
2023-2024 Students Served
Participating Employers
2023-2024 Wages Earned by WBL Students
Participating Schools
* Data Source: 2023-2024 Work-Based Learning C-NET
Our local Work Based Learning program provides sharp, professional students who are talented and eager to learn. We use WBL participants as part of our intern program and enjoy how readily they integrate with our team. It is wonderful to have this resource in our community for creating career paths that benefit small businesses with a work-ready work force to recruit locally from.
Tito Onitveros Garcia
I am currently working at Azalea Health. My duties are to complete various tasks related to our Revenue Cycle Management service, including general data entry into web-based software/applications, medical claim generation and submission, payment processing and reconciliation, financial reporting, analytical decision making, and data visualization. This job will allow a doorway of opportunities to be opened. It will give me experience working with computers and valuable life skills.